Thursday, August 28, 2008
Would you like some cookies?
Sheila Flint
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Updated pics..
Harriet descending Fleecer Ridge

Hywel tries one of Pat's Bear bullets for size
Harriet riding 4 miles in a straight line
Road from Bannack to Morrison Lake
Chuck Norris at Lima
Our long held fears confirmed...

Tattoos seemed like a good idea at the time..

Lunchstop on road to Lakeview

Antics on divide crossing No. 6
Friday, August 22, 2008
West Yellowstone

On our way to Beaver Dam campground a day or so later we met a solitary walker - Jim . Jim was a retired chemical engineer who was walking the great divide route from the Mexican border to Canada. He had been on the road since May and was expecting to finish his stroll in September. It was somewhat reassuring to meet someone even more mental than ourselves in terms of the physical task being undertaken - at least we get to roll down the mountains.
Last but not least there was Pat and Nancy. We met them while we were sheltering/cowering from the heat of the midday sun outside a small mercantile store in Wise River. They were camping some 10 miles south of Wise River along the same route that we were to travel that afternoon, and invited us to drop in on their camp on our way past. This completely by chance meeting resulted in us being provided with shower facilities and being entertained all evening with food, wine and endless stories about their own travels and (formerly) delinquent children. In the end we stayed all night and were treated to breakfast too. They were great. I particularly liked them because they relentlessly took the mickey out of Hywel for all sorts of things...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Updated pics....
Ben & Kevin with their 'Nepo' flag
Gunslinger Cafe in Ovando
Coopers Lake/Bike wash
Continental Divide crossing No. 1
Continental Divide crossing No.2
Continental Divide crossing No.3 (Priest Pass)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Lincoln, Montana
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
These are the pics that I intended to post earlier....
Montana real estate:
Hywel's roadside encouragement:
Montana postcard (reads 'Grizzly Bear Artificial Insemination Team'):
Upper Whitefish Lake:
Team Taff:
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Quite a bit has happened since our last post. In no particular order:
1. We are now in the USA
2. I tragically lost my right flip flop in a Creek : (
3. Our small group of 3 has doubled in size. We now appear to be a group of 6. We came across Kate and Harriet from Bristol and Andy from NZ a few days ago before we were due to cross the border. They have stoically tolerated our company ever since. I have inserted their blog addresses in the links section.
4. We had dinner with George from Germany
5. I took a wrong turn and took us into a headwind for 3-4miles before realising :)
6. We stumbled into Eureka town in time for their annual quilt festival. It was fab.
I was hoping to post some pics and some video but this computer is in danger of exploding as it is. I will go and have a wander and see if I can find something better to do that on.
There is an annoying american kid standing next to me reading this..... I wonder if this will make him go away.