Sunday, August 24, 2008

Updated pics..

Chris with 'energy drink'

Chris without 'energy drink'

On our way to Beaverdam

Harriet descending Fleecer Ridge

Chris on lower section of Fleecer Ridge

Hywel tries one of Pat's Bear bullets for size

Harriet riding 4 miles in a straight line

Road from Bannack to Morrison Lake

Chuck Norris at Lima

Our long held fears confirmed...

Tattoos seemed like a good idea at the time..

Lunchstop on road to Lakeview

Antics on divide crossing No. 6


T.W. said...

O'r diwedd, 'rwyf wedi magu'r hyder i gael 'shot' yn gwneud hyn -gobeithio fyddi di Hywel yn ei gwerthfawrogi! (It's no mean feat)!! Yn falch i weld eich bod i gyd yn cael amser bendigedig, yn mwynhau eich hun ac wedi cwrdd a cwmni da! Dim cweit yn gwybod beth i feddwl am y tatws, ond, pawb a ddileit ei hun!! Ma pob un ohonoch yn edrych yn iachus iawn, ac mae'r blew gwyneb i'w weld yn tyfu'n dda! (Cofia Hywel, i dynnu llun o ti dy hun cyn bo ti'n penderfynnu eillio)!!! Ma'ch lluniau yn wych ac 'rwyf wedi mwynhau darllen y 'blogs'. Welais fideo Andy o'ch "Divide Crossing #1" - beth allai ddweud Hywel? Ti'n edrych yn ffit iawn! Yn falch hefyd, i weld dy fod ddim wedi gorfod gwneud y penderfyniad mor belled, o bwy i achub mewn argyfwng gyda'r eirth! (Gobeithio fydd y sefyllfa ddim yn codi)!! Wel, joiwch gweddill y daith bois, 'rwy'n edrych ymlaen i ddarllen mwy o'ch straeon cyn bo hir! Gobeithio fod y 'blog' yma yn cyraedd ble bynnag fyddwch chi nesa' ac eich bod yn ei deall. Os na cyfieithaf e' pan ddei di nol Hywel! X

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Mischa & Susanne here. You must have missed us at Brooks lake. Comming over Togwotee pass (did you too enjoy the rides in the pilot cars?) we missed the first turnoff to the lake. While riding down the hill we didn't feel like going up again and decided to push on for Dubois. After two hard long days we reached Rawlins yesterday.
As you guys do on a rest day, sleeping in the car while driving around Yellowstone park, we did nothing today. The rain was pooring down on our cabin at the KOA. Tomorrow 2/9/2008 we'll leave for the mountains in Colorado. Looking at my map I saw that there is one more opportunity to meet up and that is in Kremmling, CO. But my guess is that we'll be gone when you guys arrive there. We had fun together and we hope the see you all again, perhaps in the UK, NZ or The Netherlands...... Let's stay in touch. We'll make sure to check your blogs now and then. You can allways send us an email.

Greetings, M&S